Babblin' Bailey Babes

The Bailey Babes...gabbin' and blabbin' our way through the world...Loud and Proud!

Friday, January 26, 2007

Why Me?

I am tired of using the same two colors all the time...Dawn never writes on it's just me. Just assume so unless otherwise stated...
Ok so my Spanish teacher must know how lost I am in his class....he calls on me ALL the stinking time!!! ahh. He called on me twice already today and the class still has 30 minutes left. Oh man. and everyone laughs because when he calls on me, I just smile and open my eyes real wide,"ummmm....I ...uh....I'm not sure what you said Dr. Furr..." He calls on me on purpose because he knows I have no idea what's going on! ahhh. Then he just repeats the same question with even more speed and mumbling. Oh ok like I got it that time! Yea. No. I still have no clue, just like when you asked me the same question not two seconds ago!!!! ahh.
So this would be understandable if I goofed off in class or didn't pay attention, but that is not the case at all. I sit up the entire time. I listen. I take notes. I don't talk and I try so hard to understand. Everyone else plays around; they talk and don't care, and yet somehow they can answer the questions! What's wrong with that picture?
Alright, I think I'm done rambling about that now...time for some more humiliation! YAY But first I am going to go get a Black Cherry Poweraid Option....Mmmmm They are so great. That will brighten my day.


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