The cure for a hectic day
Today I came into school around 11:42 as per usual...I have to be in class by 11:45. So I go to sign in with my teacher and then I rush off to class. I make it and I am just a few seconds late-no biggy because my teacher is always a little scatter brained for a few minutes. But no...surprise surprise! Today, our school has decided to switch up third and fourth blocks...without informing me...ahh so I have to run to the other side of the building-I'm late. Luckily my teacher doesn't care, but I'm still all hyped up and I'm pretty warm because I was all bundled up in my jacket...then my teacher makes me hand out all the tests that we took last class. As if I know anyone's name!!! haha...but then I notice that this guy sitting near me has one of those suckers: you know those big ones with all the cool flavors that they sell for classes and sports and stuff! Ahhh. I love those things! I found two loose quarters at the very bottom of my disaster of a purse and I bought myself a Cherry Cheesecake sucker. Mmmm Mmmm That was the kind that guy had...he said it was good and it was! now I am having a much better day! There's nothing like a Cherry Cheesecake sucker to make your day go more smoothly!
At 12/06/2006 4:21 PM ,
Anonymous said...
I always loved those peeps who brought in the suckers to sell for thier sports team, or band or whatever... I had to be careful what block I ate them in though: It had to be either 1st, late 3rd, or 4th block > b/c eating it right before lunch just kinda ruined things.
At 12/07/2006 1:27 PM ,
Anonymous said...
and they make you soooo thirsty! ahh I almost died. I had to get some water
At 12/07/2006 11:16 PM ,
Anonymous said...
man...taylor has the sucker deal down to a profession. atta-boy taylor.
At 1/01/2007 11:43 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Now, Sarah, does Bricey poo know about you buying suckers from guys.......which you didn't give a description of....cute, ugly, shaggy hair, blue eyes...come on Sarah!!!! no, just kidding! I do like suckers but in Middle School you don't get to eat candy when you want to...except for those classes where the teach is clueless, so we eat candy canes in those classes....wahahaha
LOVE YALL!!!!! ~Caitlyn
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