Learning in Discipleship
This semester the Senior girls have been in Kenneth's Discipleship Training Class on Sunday Nights. The class has been all aobut Church Doctrine and Theology. Each week Kenneth gave us a huge stack of papers full of information about what we believe, why we believe it, and where exactly in scripture these things can be found. It had been so great; I have to be honest, I have not done a very good job keeping up with all of the papers, but hey! that's why I have Amelia as my friend! haha- anyways, we have all learned so much and this class really got us to start thinking about things. For instance: How long do you think it took God to create the World? Please say "seven days" or really six....but the point is that He did it in seven DAYS, not seven hundred years, or seven thousand years! No, Genesis tells us that He did it in seven days, so He did? Where is the controversy? I know I know...the word used is thought to be trsnslated in different ways. (ambiguous-ooh big word of the day...beat that Amelia! jk!) The word is YOM I think. okay, so some people think that the word may not mean a literal 24-hour period in all the places it is used...hmmmmm okay, but even if that is true then why does it also say in Genesis that there was Morning and there was Evening the first day? That would be just dumb to say that if God didn't really create everything in the literal seven day period. oohhhhh man. I just think this is really important. How can you believe anything else in the BIble if you cannot believe that our God created everything in 7 days?? I realize that there are Christians out there that think it is not a literal 24-hr period and I try not to get too caught up on this, but hey, I find it very important. Another thing we talked about in class is drinking. In scripture it does not come right out and say "DO NOT DRINK" it says not to be filled with wine, but filled with the Holy Spirit....so don't get drunk. Alot of people think it is ok to drink, just don't get drunk. Hmmmmmm. I disagree again. Proverbs 20:1 says, "Wine is a mocker and beer a brawler, he who is led astray by these is not wise." or somthing like that, I don't have a Bible with me I am at school. If God says that wine is a mocker and beer is a brawler....then do you think He wants his children to be drinking them at all? I don't think He does.
We talked about Baptism and the Lord's Supper and different denominations and so much more...I just love this class. I think Kenneth may sweat alot in there though because Amelia loves to ask the tough questions! Haha I think learning about doctrine and why we have it is soo so important. I also think we should know where we stand and be strong and be able to back it up with Scripture.
We talked about Baptism and the Lord's Supper and different denominations and so much more...I just love this class. I think Kenneth may sweat alot in there though because Amelia loves to ask the tough questions! Haha I think learning about doctrine and why we have it is soo so important. I also think we should know where we stand and be strong and be able to back it up with Scripture.
At 11/20/2006 1:37 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Genisus? seriously... Genisus?
At 11/21/2006 1:26 AM ,
Anonymous said...
good post babe... i like that Kenneth addresses those issues. the class seems interesting... although it WAS funny to know that you typed "Genisus". hehe
At 11/21/2006 10:09 AM ,
Woody said...
Great post. I think that all Christians should seek to understand their God and what He has revealed in His written Word. Theology is important, doctrine is important. Keeping learning it....it goes on and on and on.
Hey, I have returned to the blogsphere....thanks to you and your encouraging words...check it out at ignite.blogspot.com.
At 11/21/2006 11:43 AM ,
Anonymous said...
True, if Kenneth Bruce teaches a class: then it is definitely gonna be solid!
I learned alot from the discipleship times during high school - just keep coming with a thirsty heart and the scripture will always fill you.
At 11/22/2006 12:14 PM ,
Jordan said...
wow you have no idea how great it is to hear that. i have to deliver a persuasive speech(which i havnt started writing yet) on monday in english on any topic i want.i chose "how science confirms the bible." I read half way through a book called "God said 'BANG' and it happened"...then i realized even this book said that a day in the Bible was translated like 64 million years or something. it was very frustrating. so now i think i might go to kenneth and get those notes. actually i might call and get them from you if you still have them! thanks girl! it helped a lot!
At 11/23/2006 2:04 PM ,
Anonymous said...
man...good post. this was ironically relevant to me as well. in my biology class, we are discussing Genesis, Creation, and God all in relation to what the world of science believes. the majority of modern scientist support evolution and theories such as "the big bang". but part of our discussion is looking at what science says about these things and refuting them with solid scripture. some of the things that you mentioned in your post that have been brought up in kenneth's class are the same things that have been coming up in our discussions at asbury. taylor is right. keep it up. thanks for the post.
At 11/27/2006 12:53 PM ,
Anonymous said...
This church doctrine class really has been great!! (Kudos to Kenneth) And--a straight-up AMEN to the seven-day creation and no drinking issues (and you don't wanna even get Sarah and I started on Calvinism and Armenialism!)...good stuff
At 11/27/2006 12:57 PM ,
Anonymous said...
ok...see Amelia is so smart. She's even got all the fancy-shmancy names down. I want to be just like Amelia when I grow up, don't you?
At 11/27/2006 1:22 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Too bad, cuz I wanna be just like you, Sarah!! (and you do too know what those words mean! let's just "say the prayer" and call it done!! haha)
At 11/29/2006 12:52 PM ,
Anonymous said...
okay. What's up with the new nick name? Where the heck did that come from? You're hilarious!!
At 12/02/2006 4:05 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Jenny Kate made that up as my "rap star nickname," thank you very much! :)
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