Elevator Courtesy
When I was little, my dad always told my brother and I that it was "good manners" to stand back from the elevator door when waiting to get on. He always told us to push the button and take a couple steps back; it is polite to wait for those who are getting off the elevator to do so before getting on yourself-and to give them the appropriate amount of space to accomplish this...Well, I have always done this and just assumed that it was common knowledge, but apparently it is not. I did not notice it until I started going to UK Hospital every day for EBCE. People are in such a hurry that they stand right up next to the door and the very second that it begins to open, they are right in there! Sometimes they get ON before the people can even get OFF!!! I think that is just crazy. It is always noteworthy when a person acts politely, so make sure to practice Elevator Courtesy.
At 12/19/2006 1:16 PM ,
Dameon Shultz said...
Tru...well said.
I started working at the Funkhouser building yesterday in student billing in room 18, stop by and give me a holla sometime.
At 12/20/2006 3:44 PM ,
Anonymous said...
i must certainly agree w/ ya. Working at the hospital has helped me see this cold truth become a reality...
At 12/20/2006 11:59 PM ,
Anonymous said...
i def see where youre comin from. I think i just naturally have the elevator courtesy, its gets on my nerves when people try to budge in the door like its some kind of race or somethin....so i just stand back and take my time.
At 12/21/2006 12:33 AM ,
Anonymous said...
i like to get on elevators and face the opposite direction of everyone else to see if i get any goofy looks... then back out of the elevator whatever floor i get off.
At 12/21/2006 12:49 AM ,
Anonymous said...
remember, it's polite to let a lady get on and off the elevator first, it bugs me when a guy walks on in front of u without saying after u mamm.
At 12/21/2006 10:03 AM ,
Woody said...
I like to try and open the door of the elevator (whether I am on it or waiting for one) before it gets to where it is going. Sometimes this causes mulitple problems. One, the elevator stops and then starts again, but the possibility is there to stay stopped. Two, the strangers riding the elevator or waitin on the elevator as the case may be, usually take offense to this.
At 12/22/2006 6:57 PM ,
Anonymous said...
wiley... ask taylor or tolliver, they will gladly inform you of my stupidity.
At 12/22/2006 10:54 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Sad, but stupidity is right.
At 12/23/2006 4:32 PM ,
Anonymous said...
If he is as stupid as I think he is, he probably does both or neither.
At 12/24/2006 10:18 PM ,
Anonymous said...
wiley: yes i do it even when there are others around.
i have no idea who you are (maybe its because im so stupid... hmmm.) but seriously, i hope you have a great Christmas carly wright!
At 12/25/2006 10:58 AM ,
Anonymous said...
b coop or bryce (I guess thats what you go by) I didn't mean that you was stupid, I meant it was strange how you get on and off an elevator...I never seen anybody do that before. Well if I ever see anyone do that, I'll know that it's you. I hope we got that all straightned out now.
I hope you have a great Christmas too Bryce!!!
HO HO HO!!!!
At 1/01/2007 11:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
ok, same for me: just a little flashback...we were in Florida for vaca. we were staying on the fifth floor, but the little bridge thingy linking to a bunch of shops and COLDSTONE...woo hoo! was on the fourth floor. So, from my understanding we were gonna get off on the fourth floor and get some ice cream. Apparently not. So a bunch of people are gettin off, so I do too! Next thing I know, the elevators shut...and whoopsee daisy...my family ain't there!!! So I'm crying my eyes out and being the genius that I am...I stayed right where I was and I could here my dad screaming my name ( the sad part is he was on the fifth and I was on the fourth)
SCARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHH, mommy
At 1/03/2007 12:13 PM ,
Anonymous said...
What ever happened to the other half of those Babblin' Bailey Babes? There is a definitive lack of green posts on this site...if Dawn is not found soon, Sarah may throw down a hot pink coup d'etat and become the babblin' *dictator* of their little bit of blogosphere--oh the humanity!!...just a thought
At 1/03/2007 12:14 PM ,
Anonymous said...
What ever happened to the other half of those Babblin' Bailey Babes? There is a definitive lack of green posts on this site...if Dawn is not found soon, Sarah may throw down a hot pink coup d'etat and become the babblin' *dictator* of their little bit of blogosphere--oh the humanity!!...just a thought
At 1/03/2007 12:15 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Why does the stupid blogger thing always publish my comments twice?
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