Babblin' Bailey Babes

The Bailey Babes...gabbin' and blabbin' our way through the world...Loud and Proud!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

The Tongue

I know we hear (all the time) about controlling our tongues and watching the words that leave our mouths. Our Mommies and Daddies have told us since we began to speak, "Don't say everything that you think. Only say the things that are kind; do not say mean things, things that hurt other people's feeling should not come out of your mouth. The words you allow to come out of your mouth are like the toothpaste as it is squeezed out of the tube. Once it comes out, you cannot put it back inside so be careful."

I know MY parents sure did. [My dad even had my brother and I do a little activity: we both had a tube of toothpaste and we squeezed all of the paste out. Then my he told us to try to put it back inside.] He was trying to make a point, a point he still tries to get across today with his 'be a battery charger, not a battery drainer' speech we have all hearf time and agian.

Our words are powerful. We can use them to bring others down, or we can use them to build others up. Our words will bring glory to God, or cause others to stumble. James 3:10 "Out of the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things should not be this way."

Recently, I read Ephesians 4:29 "No rotten talk should come from your mouth, but only what is good for the building up of someone in need, in order to give grace to those who hear."

I have read this many times, but it just hit me that there is so much more to this verse than simply trying not to gossip that much, or making sure curse words do not slip out. This verse is telling us that we should say NOTHING that is not encouraging to someone. Every word that leaves my lips should be a means of encouragement and blessing to my brothers and sisters in Christ. So maybe I don't curse, and I try to keep the gossip to a minimal; but that is not enough...Is every word that I speak meant to uplift the one I am talking to---or am I trying to make myself look good? or make sure everyone knows how nice I am? Do I want to speak so others will think well of me?

There is a common theme there. Me, I, Me, Me, Me, Sarah this and Sarah that. Well, you know what? This life is not about making me happy or making me look good. It is about making God look good.

Our tongues are a huge part of our character. What comes out of our mouths is a good indication of what is truly in our hearts. So let's make sure we lift others up and bring grace to their ears. It's a huge challenge, but it is necessary. We must be obedient.


  • At 10/10/2007 10:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Amen and Amen. Great post! I pray that people read that and take it to heart. Well said Sarah, you are very insightful.

  • At 10/13/2007 2:14 AM , Blogger TaylorW said...

    I once listened to Beth Moore talk about this issue... it was awesome, for some reason I used to think Gossip, etc. was only a "girls" sin. O how stupid I was...

    anyway, good post and keep 'em up.


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